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Dating With Debt: Having a Good Relationship With Bad Credit

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Dating With Debt

Bad credit comes with many drawbacks: sky-high interest rates, denied loan applications, difficulty making large purchases but what happens when the horrid influence of bad credit seeps into your dating life? If you're trying to overcome bad credit and get your finances back on track, it can be tough to feel as if you're capable of impressing your date while questioning whether you're worth their while. The good news is that you can still make a new relationship work around bad credit.

Be Creative

Your date has seen flowers, bottles of wine, chocolates and stuffed animals. If you really want to impress your date, you need to be creative with your gift giving. Luckily, creative gifts are rarely expensive. What are your hidden talents? Can you sing? Write? Draw? Can you paint or sculpt? If you can create something for your date then you'll be able to give them some great gifts from the heart that won't compromise your plans to get your credit back into shape. At the very least, you can use your athletic prowess to give your date a piggyback tour of the park. We all have our hidden strengths and talents that we can share with our partner.

Driving With Bad Credit

The city bus is not very romantic. It's hard to date without a car, and even harder to get a car without good credit. So how can you impress your date when you're in debt, and you don't have wheels? Any man worth his salt escorts his date to and from the date night's events. If your dating life is in peril, you can turn to to obtain a bad credit auto loan. The success of your date is dependent on having the wheels to make it happen. Various dealerships offer bad credit car loans to help you get behind the wheel of your own car no matter what your credit looks like. Look, taking care of your credit card debt is a serious goal to set for yourself, but you don't need to put your love life on hold in the meantime. Obtaining a loan for reliable transportation will help you get back on the road to your future.

Don't Rush Into Marriage

It's never pleasant to think about divorce right at the start of a new marriage, but it's something that we do have to give some consideration towards. If you marry and split up before your bad credit issue has been resolved, then you're saddling your partner with debt that they don't really deserve to bear, as notes. When you truly love somebody, you take the time to make sure that they're going to be okay even if the two of you outgrow one another. It might not seem pleasant to discuss with your partner, but they'll appreciate the consideration. Make sure you review all of your options and discuss them with your partner before making a decision.

There's very little in life as exciting as new love, and it's important to make sure that you are not rushing in without thinking things through. Savor the excitement and the joy of new love, but don't let the feelings control you or throw you for a loop. Be smart, take your time and make certain that you don't neglect your financial goals for your personal ones.

Tags: marriage  love  debt  smart